AmigaActive (412/2143)

From:Kevin Fairhurst
Date:5 May 2000 at 12:11:20
Subject:Re: WarpUp/WarpOs

On Fri, 5 May 2000 11:03:38 +0100, ( wrote:
> Hi Kevin,


> >> Since I have the PPC now working, stopped dancing around the house and all that
> >> ;)
> >
> >Have you put the cheque in the post to me yet? ;-)
> Errrr, yeaaahhhhh.... ;) Hey Mike, your mate owes Kevin here a cheque as well
> ;)

Woohoo!! :-)

If you're going to be at the Kickstart show on May 27th </plug> then you
can give me the money in person :-)

> >Octopus doesn't mind my PPC - and why should it dislike it?
> Well before I got my PPC, I had an 040/40 and it worked on that; when I got
> a PPC, it made it go nuts, when I disabled Octopus - it was fine... :)

Very strange. Sounds more like something ELSE in your system that Octupus
is using. Datatypes maybe ... you HAVE got the latest 040/060 libraries in
place, haven't you?

> BTW:
> I *still* have Kickstart 3.0 (39.106) so things obviously aren't as stable as
> they could be. I better upgrade them soon, otherwise I'll *never* be able to
> get access to the ROM sockets. (There already buried as it is!!! :))

Eeeek!! Get 3.1 NOW! I thought it was an essential requirement to running
a PPC card (tho I could be wrong) ...

> >> /me avoiding a flame fest ;)
> >
> >Surely that all depends upon what you want to do. There are some things
> >that STILL don't work with PPCLibEmu and thus you HAVE to use PowerUp for
> >them. In fact, I have nothing (yet ;) that requires me to run WarpOS.
> A lot of Emulation software requires WarpUp so that's why. :) Anyway - at least
> I'll be able to know once I have used WarpUp, which is best etc.

What emulation software? FusionPPC if/when it ever appears needs it. And
that is (looks at watch) about 6 months LATE now ... :-(

> >> So how do I get WarpUp v4 to work? :)
> >
> >You need the latest powerpc.library in libs: along with the emulation
> >ppc.library. I think (like I said, I haven't got WOS, and anyway I'm
> >running on an A4000 ;) you will also have to make sure you have the 040 +
> >060 libraries (and dummy's) in libs: too. I vaguely remember hearing that
> >even with an 040 it's best to keep the 060 library in libs: too ....
> Hmmm, I haven't got the 060 libs installed (guess why ;) so I shall try that
> as well... :)

I think (not certain) that my mate had a similar problem until he installed
the 060 library. Make sure you have all of the 0x0 libs installed as it
says in the documentation, to avoid any trouble ...

> >Hope this helps,
> I'm sure it will, it did last time! :)



Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM

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